Support integration of Recovery Capitals in service plans for communities with different levels of social disruption | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Support integration of Recovery Capitals in service plans for communities with different levels of social disruption

Illustration: Oslo Davis
Research theme

Resilient communities

Project type

Core research

Project status

In planning

Recovery Capitals – Integration will use the Community Disaster Matrix to explore levels of social disruption caused by one or more community crises over time and different levels of Disaster Recovery Capitals supporting community and sector capacity to cope with that specific level of disruption and prepare for future events.

Project details

The research will provide essential data for key components of the Community Disaster Context Matrix such as:

  • the Recovery Capitals (primarily human and social indicators)
  • disaster-related social disruptions at fine-scale and repeated points in time
  • a community-level agreed mental health and well-being index.

Understanding the interconnectedness between social disruptions and communities’ mental health and well-being will help to allocate resources more effectively for intervention and preparedness.


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