Four students join the Centre | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Four students join the Centre

Photo: Natural Hazards Research Australia

Postgraduate Scholarships

Three Charles Darwin University postgraduate students have been awarded Postgraduate Research Scholarships through the Centre’s Education Program.

Sarah-Jayne Griffiths’ PhD project is filling knowledge and data gaps in mobile populations. Mobile populations refer to groups of people who don’t stay in one place for long, such as refugees and tourists. The findings from Emergency and disaster practice across the spectrum of mobility will translate this new knowledge into tools for practitioners to use to mitigate the impact of disasters for these groups of people.

Natasa Adamovic’s PhD research explores the impact of cultural factors on participants and stakeholders involved in the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) process. Natasa’s project Death in disaster: Sociocultural perspectives and challenges in disaster victim identification will improve the way professionals working in DVI response can support diverse cultural needs and identify gaps that will inform professional standards recommendations to meet the unique cultural requirements of people who interact with the DVI process.

Oscar Metcalfe’s PhD project Developing ecosystem services-based economic opportunities for Indigenous communities in northern Australia will provide economic, environmental and socio-cultural benefits for communities by leveraging ecosystem services, or the benefits modern economies derive from nature. Oscar will co-develop an evidence-based toolkit and business model that works with Indigenous communities, their care for Country and promotes their economic benefit from ecosystem services.

The Centre’s Postgraduate Research Scholarships are open all year and are available for PhD studies and Master’s by Research degrees.

Two scholarships are available:

  • Full scholarships: up to $30,000 per year for up to three and a half years for PhD students and up to two years for Master’s students (excluding periods of approved leave).
  • Top-up PhD scholarships: up to $15,000 per year for three and a half years to either:
    • holders of Research Training Program (RTP) or similar university research scholarships
    • holders of partial scholarships funded by an industry organisation.

Associate Student

Sara Fazeli joins the Education Program as an Associate Student from the University of New South Wales. Sarah’s PhD project, Measuring and improving preparedness in response to flood and bushfire emergencies is addressing knowledge gaps in preparedness. Sarah’s research aims to measure and improve people’s readiness and response to floods and bushfires through surveys and promoting community participation in hazard risk identification and mitigation.

For details on the Centre’s Postgraduate Research Scholarship and Associate Student programs, including eligibility criteria, how to apply and key dates, visit the Education page.