Death in disaster: Sociocultural perspectives and challenges in disaster victim identification | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Death in disaster: Sociocultural perspectives and challenges in disaster victim identification

Photo: Ruthson Zimmerman, Unsplash
Project type

Postgraduate research

Project status

In progress

This research explores the impact of cultural factors on all people and stakeholders involved in the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) process. The postgraduate research project delves into the complexities of the DVI response, the gap between the cultural needs of affected communities and the lack of cultural awareness among personnel.

Project details

This research explores the impact of cultural factors on all people and stakeholders involved in the Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) process. This project delves into the complexities of the DVI response, the gap between the cultural needs of affected communities and the lack of cultural awareness among DVI personnel.

This challenge is especially prominent in areas with frequent natural disasters and diverse cultural heritages, such as Indonesia. The complex combination of beliefs and traditions in Indonesia significantly influences the DVI process, establishing the regional context for this research.

This research will enhance the cultural adaptability of DVI response personnel, fostering awareness and pinpointing areas most susceptible to cultural impact. The research will identify gaps to inform recommendations and guidance for DVI personnel to meet the unique cultural requirements, improving the overall efficacy of the DVI process.
