nadamovic | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Natasa Adamovic

Scholarship Student
Charles Darwin University


Born into a diverse cultural tapestry and hailing from a rich blend of Serbian and German ancestry, Natasa Adamovic's early years were steeped in tradition, art, and a deep appreciation for heritage. Growing up, Natasa exhibited a thirst for understanding the world's complexities, which led her to pursue a degree in political science in her home country. Australia offered new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and a diverse multicultural landscape. Natasa decided to expand her academic horizons, delving into the fields of psychology, criminology, and justice. Over the years, Natasa diligently pursued three Master's degrees, specialising in languages, law and criminology. Equipped with her extensive knowledge and degrees, Natasa embarked on a career as a lecturer in community services.

Beyond Natasa's academic pursuits, she has a unique and profound interest in anthropology. The human story, cultural diversity, and the hidden connections between societies and individuals have always captivated Natasa's mind. Natasa has a deep fascination with the unsettling realms of anthropology, particularly focusing on disasters and mass graves. Natasa's research in this field has contributed to a broader understanding of human history and the consequences of catastrophic events. Her passion for anthropology, especially in the context of disaster victim identification, drove her to contribute to the field. Natasa has dedicated her time and expertise to researching, writing, and publishing several articles that shed light on the complexities of identifying victims in the aftermath of catastrophic events. These articles not only garnered recognition within the academic community but also proved to be invaluable resources for disaster management and forensic experts.