Emergency and disaster practice across the spectrum of mobility | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Emergency and disaster practice across the spectrum of mobility

Project type

Postgraduate research

Project status

In progress

This project is filling knowledge and data gaps in mobile populations and translating this new knowledge into tools for practitioners to mitigate disaster risk for these groups.

These will include:

  • mapping of the current mobile populations that exist in Australia
  • a series of how-to guides for practitioners to enable them to best understand, engage with and plan for mobile populations
  • a detailed list of resources, strategies and activities that are required by all levels of governments and disaster agencies to support practitioners future work across the spectrum of mobility.
Project details

Mobile populations refer to groups of people who don't stay in one place for long. They can include refugees, grey nomads, tourists and Indigenous people and exhibit common historical, social, and physical traits that heighten their vulnerability to disasters and increase the likelihood of negative post-disaster effects.

Mobile populations exist across a spectrum of mobility as each group moves for different reasons and with different timeframes, but share common factors where disaster risk and vulnerability intertwine.

This project is filling knowledge and data gaps in mobile populations and translating this new knowledge into tools for practitioners to mitigate disaster risk for these groups.

This will include:

  • mapping of the current mobile populations that exist in Australia
  • a series of how-to guides for practitioners to enable them to best understand, engage with and plan for mobile populations
  • a detailed list of resources, strategies and activities that are required by all levels of governments and disaster agencies to support practitioners future work across the spectrum of mobility.
