Conserving and reconnecting floodplains to mitigate flood risk | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Conserving and reconnecting floodplains to mitigate flood risk

Photo: John Morton (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)
Project type

Core research

Project status

In progress

This project will address key knowledge gaps towards implementing nature-based flood risk mitigation strategies in the Australian context. Nature-based solutions can offer effective and environmentally sensitive flood mitigation alternatives, ensuring meaningful stakeholder involvement and community engagement. Conserving and reconnecting floodplains through nature-based strategies can provide shared benefits, such as increasing biodiversity, and improving water quality and community wellbeing.

Project details

This project was proposed by Healthy Land and Water.

The research will be conducted in three stages:

  • Stage 1) Review and synthesis – this stage will review Australian floodplain conservation and restoration initiatives and decision support tools in the context of flood mitigation.
  • Stage 2) Case study application – this applied research stage will explore floodplain conservation and restoration scenarios within several case study catchments in:
    • The Hawksbury-Nepean catchment, NSW
    • The Bremer-Brisbane catchments, Qld
    • The Maribyrnong catchment, Vic
    • Livingstone Shire Council area, Qld
  • Stage 3) Synthesis and translation – this stage synthesises the findings from the first two stages to develop tangible research outcomes.

This project will:

  • Improve understanding for the functional value of un-disturbed catchments and floodplains in risk mitigation, supporting land-use and urban planning.
  • Improve confidence in the application of nature-based solutions to mitigate flood risk in highly populated areas.
  • Improve the approach in identifying suitable areas for floodplain conservation and restoration.
  • Identify incentives and barriers for communities, industry and government to implement nature-based solutions for mitigating flood risk.