Communicating flood risk | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Communicating flood risk

Photo: Wes Warren, Unsplash
Project type

Core research

Project status

In progress

This research will improve communication of flood risk to people in at risk areas, including expected intensity and conditions, insurance information, improved flood risk messaging (such as language, ratings, terminology etc), messaging suitability and social acceptance, and implementation of changes into planning frameworks, community messaging and warning systems.

Project details

This project was proposed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

This project will:  

  • analyse Australian and international approaches to communicating risk to buildings/sites for floods, drawing upon other hazards (for example, bushfire attack level ratings or similar)
  • analyse Australian and international approaches to communicating risk to people on the expected intensity and conditions for floods and other hazards (like categories for cyclone, Australian fire danger ratings or similar) 
  • analyse the cost of insurance in various categories of risk, to help inform people of the cost of insurance associated with buying, building, living or operating business in the floodplain  
  • recommend what language, ratings/levels, terminology and colours could be used to communicate flood risk in lieu of existing arrangements, to help communities understand and appreciate their risk for floods more clearly 
  • recommend how to implement proposed changes into the planning framework, the community messaging and emergency warning systems
  • test the suitability and social acceptance of any recommended changes to flood terminology and flood rating/levels.