Managing earthquake risk: unreinforced masonry building database | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Managing earthquake risk: unreinforced masonry building database

Photo: Iliya Jokic, Unsplash
Research theme

Situational awareness

Project type

Core research

Project status


This project aims to reduce the risk posed by unreinforced masonry buildings to people during an earthquake. The research will develop a national database of unreinforced masonry buildings through new technology and techniques to better understand and mitigate earthquake risk.   

Project details

Earthquakes globally have highlighted the risk older buildings with unreinforced masonry pose. Low seismicity areas such as Australia have not been an exception. 

This project will develop a national database of unreinforced masonry buildings through new technology and techniques to better understand and mitigate earthquake risk.   

The database will underpin intelligence services to decision makers for effective and timely response recovery, and to support enhanced earthquake risk-based planning.