Strong leadership highlighted at DEMC  | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Strong leadership highlighted at DEMC 

Photo: Natural Hazards Research Australia
Release date

20 August 2024

More than 460 people from all facets of the disaster and emergency sector gathered on the Gold Coast on 22-23 July for two days of knowledge sharing, discussions and workshops. 

The 2024 Disaster and Emergency Management Conference (DEMC) focused on leadership in times of crisis, with keynote addresses from local and international sector leaders sharing their personal experiences. 

The conference was supported by Natural Hazards Research Australia (the Centre). Our booth was an incredible opportunity to create new connections, catch up with colleagues and share the latest research updates from the Centre. 

Nell Reidy and Dr Emma McNicol (Fire to Flourish, Monash University and Centre researchers) spoke about the National Indigenous Disaster Resilience project and Centre-supported research including the post-event flood community experiences of the 2022-23 floods in Victoria, South Australia and south-western New South Wales and two First Nations-focused projects soon to commence. 

Two women speaking at lecturn in front of projector screen


Image: Dr Emma McNicol and Nell Reidy

Dr Jane Sexton (Executive Manager, Hazard and Risk - Queensland Fire Department) presented on earthquake risk in Queensland, an important yet lesser-known aspect of risk in Australia. Jane also spoke to the new Centre project concept to locate unreinforced masonry buildings that pose a threat to people during and after an earthquake. 

Centre Associate student Russel Dippy (Charles Sturt University) presented Envisioning a future of professionalism of emergency management, sharing the findings from his PhD research into what human capacity demands should inform the development and appointment of an emergency manager. 

Russel dippy speaking in front of projector screen


Image: Russel Dippy

The DEMC passport prize ensured delegates spent a lot of time in the exhibition hall. By scanning a QR code at each booth, delegates collected points to enter a prize draw. The Centre donated a (comically) large chocolate bar prize, won by Chloe De Marchi at Seqwater. Congratulations to Chloe and all the winners! 

Cheryl Desha holding chocolate at conference booth


Image: Prof Cheryl Desha