July Hazardous Webinar - Understanding how community members comprehend and use bushfire maps | Natural Hazards Research Australia

July Hazardous Webinar - Understanding how community members comprehend and use bushfire maps

The July Hazardous Webinar presented the findings of a national survey about how community members comprehend and use bushfire maps.


  • A/Prof Paula Dootson, researcher, Natural Hazards Research Australia and Queensland University of Technology
  • Dr Amy Griffin, RMIT University, researcher, Natural Hazards Research Australia and Queensland University of Technology
  • Deana Pullella, Team Leader Public Information, Media and Corporate Communications Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Predictions in public: Understanding the design, communication and dissemination of predictive maps is a wide-ranging project aiming to define the role of fire prediction maps in agency communications with the public during an emergency. Phase 1 of project looked at the current use and understanding of bushfire maps (incident warning maps and predictive maps) by agencies and community members.

In this Hazardous Webinar, findings from a national survey of community members were shared by A/Prof Paula Dootson and Dr Amy Griffin, with insight into how this will inform communications during an emergency with Deana Pullella from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services in Western Australia.

Findings from the Community perceptions and understanding of predictive maps study in Phase 1 of the project will also be shared in the September Hazardous Webinar.

Read more about the project and download the full Phase 1 Report here, replay the webinar or download the presentation slides or additional audience Q&A responses.


NHRA Seminar July 31 2024 (1).pptx 25.03 MB Download