ometcalfe | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Oscar Metcalfe

Scholarship Student
Charles Darwin University


Oscar Metcalfe’s research is about economic opportunities that accord with and are led by Indigenous peoples related to caring for Country via co-developing ecosystem service-based economies in northern Australia. His current focus is on the Martuwarra Living Waters, as the Fitzroy River, catchment and its communities in the Kimberley, Western Australia. His PhD panel is Kamal Sangha, Jeremy Russell-Smith, Anne Poelina and Robert Costanza in partnership with the Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council.

Oscar has a Master of Public Policy (ANU Crawford), a Graduate Certificate in International and Community Development (Deakin University) and a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (University of Southern Queensland). He has worked extensively in remote and rural Australia, Bali, the Philippines, and Romania, recently living in Thailand to support his partner’s work. From Jarowair Country near Toowoomba, his experience includes climate, land and water policy development, mine and riparian rehabilitation, infrastructure construction, engineering, remote project operations and post-disaster recovery. Outside of study, he loves poking around the bush and waterholes, freediving, tinkering and pottering, missing trail run cutoff times, early-morning market feasts and dad-time.