An analysis of human fatalities from cyclones, earthquakes and severe storms in Australia
This report examines the socio-demographic and environmental circumstances surrounding fatalities from cyclones, earthquakes and severe storms.
This report examines the socio-demographic and environmental circumstances surrounding fatalities from cyclones, earthquakes and severe storms.
Author | Lucinda Coates , Kat Haynes , Deirdre Radford , Rebecca D'Arcy , Chloe Smith , Rob van den Honert , Andrew Gissing |
Abstract |
This report examines the socio-demographic and environmental circumstances surrounding fatalities from cyclones, earthquakes and severe storms (hail, gusts, lightning, rain and tornados). It is the second major milestone from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Co-operative Research Centre (BNHCRC) funded project “An analysis of human fatalities and building losses from natural disasters in Australia”. The foundation for this work is the use of the Risk Frontiers’ database PerilAUS, which contains historical data on the incidence (magnitude, affected locations, etc.) and consequences (property damage and fatalities, etc.) of natural hazard events in Australia. PerilAUS contains many of the names of the deceased which, during the course of this project, has enabled the collection of more detailed information on the circumstances of many of the fatalities from coronial inquest reports. The data has been analysed to inform the understanding of the circumstances surrounding the deaths and how this information could best be utilised for emergency management policy and practice. This has included an examination of the data around the following themes: demographics, cause of death, location of the fatality and transport, activity and action prior to and at the time of death, capacity and awareness and, where possible, the severity of the event. |
Year of Publication |
Date Published |
Institution |
Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
Report Number |
Locators | Google Scholar |