Communicational responses for compound natural hazards: A systematic review | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Communicational responses for compound natural hazards: A systematic review

This paper utilises the systematic quantitative literature review process to identify and analyse global literature addressing communicational responses to compound hazards.

Research theme

Learning from disasters

Publication type

Journal Article

Published date


Author Noelle Nemeth , Malcom Johnson , Gabi Mocatta , Erin Hawley

Compound natural hazards are being experienced globally and are expected to become more frequent and damaging under climate change. Communities at risk from compound hazards must be well-equipped with knowledge about such hazards and recognise what actions are needed to prepare, stay safe and recover. Despite this imperative for awareness, education, communication and engagement on compound hazards, there is little discrete research on their best-practice communication. This paper utilises the systematic quantitative literature review process to identify and analyse global literature addressing communicational responses to compound hazards. The review highlights that the term ‘compound hazards’ is not agreed upon in the literature, and that several analogous terms are used. Review findings also establish that no existing frameworks or protocols for compound hazard engagement or communication exist in the English language literature. This suggests that more research is needed to support those charged with hazard management in communicating compound hazard risk with the communities they serve. Ultimately, we recommend further research on the development of communication frameworks for compound hazards.

Year of Publication
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Date Published
Locators Google Scholar | DOI

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