Blinded by smoke: Wildfire smoke exposure and eye irritation in Australian wildland firefighters | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Blinded by smoke: Wildfire smoke exposure and eye irritation in Australian wildland firefighters

This study explored ocular symptoms and use of protective eyewear amongst wildland firefighters in Australia.

Publication type

Journal Article

Published date


Author Sukanya Jaiswal , Isabelle Jalbert , Nicholas Olsen , Anthea Burnett , Blanka Golebiowski


Wildfire occurrence is increasing worldwide, putting firefighters and general public at increased risk of eye injuries from smoke exposure. This study explored ocular symptoms and use of protective eyewear amongst wildland firefighters in Australia.


Australian wildland firefighters were invited to complete an online survey about the occurrence of eye irritation, use of protective eyewear and behaviours associated with occupational smoke exposure. Responses were analysed using logistic regression and qualitative inductive content analysis.


338 wildland firefighters completed the survey. Eye irritation was reported by 90 % of firefighters at least sometimes during work and by 70 % after work. Frequency of eye irritation was greater amongst females than males (OR 2.01, CI 1.22–3.31, p < 0.001). Protective eyewear was used often or always by 67 % of firefighters on the fireground, however 55 % had to remove their protective eyewear due to sweat, fogging or another reason. Goggles were more likely to be removed compared to sunglasses and safety glasses (OR 4.28, CI 2.75–6.68, p < 0.001).

Firefighters reported that, at times smoke exposure necessitated eye closure and impaired vision on the fireground. Firefighters also reported that protective eyewear helped to reduce eye symptoms, but its consistent use on the fireground was difficult. The severity and recovery from eye symptoms varied between participants.


Australian wildland firefighters frequently experience eye irritation from smoke exposure, and this can affect operational capabilities. These findings can support the development of evidence-based strategies to help protect and aid recovery of the eye surface following smoke exposure.

Year of Publication
The Ocular Surface
Date Published
Locators Google Scholar | DOI

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