This project was developed from the experiences of multicultural communities, groups and organisations that have been affected by a range of emergencies in recent years.
It aims to increase resilience and positive outcomes for multicultural communities before during and after emergencies. It will do this through the development of a framework, toolkit and evidence to guide the systemic, structural, policy and investment reform and changes needed to drive inclusion in emergency management.
This project is currently open for Expressions of Interest.
Project teams responding to this call for Expressions of Interest (see PDF in top-right corner) are required to submit their response using the Centre’s current EOI submission form.
To ensure submissions from all states in light of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, the new deadline for EOI proposals is 5pm AEDT, 18 March 2025 to
An online briefing provided a more detailed briefing of the project and the opportunity for interested parties to pose specific questions. View the replay below.
This project aims to:
- increase resilience and positive outcomes for multicultural communities before during and after emergencies
- increase inclusion and diversity in the emergency management sector
- inform and guide the systemic, structural, policy and investment reform and changes needed to drive inclusion in emergency management
- support the multicultural sector’s role in disaster resilience
- strengthen partnerships between the emergency management and multicultural sectors.
This project will provide:
- clear understanding of the outcomes for multicultural communities relative to the broader population in Australia in emergencies and disasters in Australia and the reasons why
- clear evidence of the strengths, priorities and needs of multicultural communities in emergencies and disasters
- good practice approaches to inclusion before, during and after emergencies and disasters
- the policy, investment, systemic and structural changes needed to effect change
- a tested framework and accompanying practical toolkit to support the emergency management sector’s inclusion of multicultural communities across Australia.
Activities will include:
- Literature review/s of relevant research
- Environmental scan of relevant programs and projects
- Consultation with key emergency management agencies and multicultural organisations
- Surveys, interviews and focus groups
- Cross-sector workshops, forums and symposiums
- Co-design workshops with multicultural groups and organisations, peak bodies and multicultural community members
- Pilot testing and refinement of the framework and toolkit with at least one organisation
- Multicultural Inclusion Network or Community of Practice
Frequently asked questions
Q) Are the word limits in the submission form a guideline?
A) Each question in the submission form has a required word limit. Submissions with statements exceeding the word limit will be deemed non-compliant.
Q) What do you mean by “Total cumulative FTE contribution over the life of the project"?
A) This means the total FTE per person over the life of the project. Maximum total FTE for each person is 1.0. Cumulative is to add up all the personnel.
For example:
- If someone is contributing 1 FTE per year for three years, then their FTE is 1.000 FTE
- If someone is contributing 0.1 FTE per year for three years, then their FTE is 0.100 FTE
- If someone is contributing 0.05 FTE for two years of a three-year project, then their FTE 0.033 FTE
- If someone is contributing 0.5 for two years and 0.1 for 1 years of a three-year project, then their FTE is 0.367 FTE
Q) Can the Centre connect interested parties with other agencies or organisations involved in developing this project, to discuss it further and assist in developing an EOI submission?
A) While an EOI is open for submissions, the Centre procurement processes don't allow Centre staff to connect interested parties, as this can cause conflicts of interest. However, interested parties are able to contact whomever they wish, excluding those organisations listed on the EOI, to discuss the project and explore opportunities for collaboration or potential consortium submissions. If an online project briefing has been organised for an EOI, we encourage interested parties to attend the briefing to ask questions and meet other interested parties.
Q) Can interested parties contact the Centre with questions about the project design before submitting?
A) While an EOI is open for submissions, Centre procurement processes don't allow Centre staff to share knowledge of the project design directly with interested parties. However, if you have questions, you can email and you will receive a timely response if appropriate, according to our procurement processes.
Q) Is there a preference for a project team to be from a single research organisation, or from across multiple organisations?
A) The Centre has no preference for either a single organisation or a multi-organisation project team. EOIs will be accepted from either and will be evaluated against the evaluation criteria in the same way.
Q) Can the proposed project team include researchers from government agencies or research consultancies, as well as university-based researchers?
A) EOIs will be accepted from multi-organisation project teams, and project teams can include researchers at government agencies and research consultancies. The proposed project team's capacity to undertake the project will be evaluated in the same way whether researchers are university-, consultancy- or agency-based.
Q) Would academic salaries (excluding administrative overheads) be eligible to budget?
A) Yes, academic salaries can be included within the project budget, but only when they are direct project costs, and their salary is not already covered elsewhere. E.g. the salary costs of a contract researcher who is actively working on the project can be included up to the FTE component they are contributing. However, the salary costs of a tenured academic who is already paid through the university/research organisation would be included as an in-kind contribution up to the amount of their FTE contribution to the project.
Q) What do you mean by "peer review"?
A) This is a quality control process. Where requested, the final report must be reviewed by someone who is an expert in the field and independent of the project.
Q) At what rate can salary on-costs be charged?
A) Administrative overheads are limited to direct salary-related on-costs. Indirect cost recoveries are not to be included. Other administrative overheads and indirect costs can be included as in-kind contributions. Where the salary on-cost rate exceeds 28% this will need to be justified.
Q) Can equipment costs be included in the budget?
A) Ordinarily, project funds are not to be used to purchase equipment. Where funds for equipment are requested, they will need to be justified.
Q) What is the budget for the project?
A) The Centre has not specified a budget for this project intentionally. We request applicants to proposed a budget for what they think they project required to meet the outcomes. The research team should note and consider the value for money criteria when proposing their budget.
Q) Can international research teams apply? Alternatively, can international research teams be part of a consortium bid?
A) International research teams can be part of research projects when they are part of a consortium submission that is led by an Australian research organisation. The international team would need to be subcontracted by the lead Australian based research organisation. Please note that all budget submissions must be in Australian dollars and the lead organisation must bear the cost of funds transfer and responsibility for due diligence as required under Australian Foreign Interference regulations.
Q) Is there an option of registering my interest as an independent researcher that could assist a larger team or are you only able to consider proposals that address the entire project?
A) Yes, you can submit an EOI as an independent researcher addressing part of the project requirements. In the EOI submission form, please outline which aspects of the project you can address. Once the EOI closes, we can consider linking researchers together, although whether or not we can do that will depend on a range of factors, so we can’t guarantee that outcome. Of course, the other option is to reach out to potential collaborators now about putting in a joint EOI submission that addresses the entire project.
Q) Are think tanks and non-profit organisations eligible to apply as a lead applicant in partnership with other organisations/universities?
A) Yes
Q) Regarding contributions to the lead researcher, what are the expectations? Examples would be helpful.
A) The nature of contributions varies significantly depending on the research organisation. For academic institutions with tenured faculty whose remuneration is already secured, these may be documented as in-kind contributions. Additional examples include pre-planned aligned activities that complement the project objectives.
Q) Who is the target audience for the project?
A) The designated target audience is the emergency management sector. Initially, the project was conceived to benefit the Australian Red Cross and similar organisations, though its applicability extends beyond these entities to agencies and other stakeholders that will be supporting multicultural communities in resilience.
Q) Can First Nations people be considered part of multicultural groups in the project?
A) While First Nations communities do have distinct languages and cultural requirements, it is more appropriate to consider them separately from multicultural communities. First Nations peoples possess a 60,000-year historical presence and their capabilities and requirements differ substantially. This project specifically focuses on multicultural communities though noting approaches to inclusion in these sectors may benefit First Nations Peoples.
Q) Would the Centre be receptive to incorporating pilot initiatives within the 3-year budget framework?
A) The Centre anticipates and welcomes pilot initiatives. This consideration partially informed the 3-year project duration, allowing adequate time for consultation and empirical testing and iteration with intended users. These pilots will serve to establish proof of concept for the proposed approaches.
Q) Is there provision for including visual or diagrammatic representations in submissions?
A) Currently, there are limitations regarding acceptable submission formats to ensure evaluation consistency. For assessment purposes, only the official forms and CVs can be formally reviewed. The feedback regarding visual elements will be considered, with the possibility of permitting a one-page visual supplement, subject to approval. For now please proceed using the form.
Q) Could you clarify what constitutes a research institute? Would a not-for-profit organization with a robust research department qualify for application without university affiliation?
A) Yes, such an organisation would be eligible to apply independently without university partnership.
Q) Given that Australian Red Cross (ARC) proposed and is leading the project concept, will ARC constitute the majority of the evaluation panel?
A) The evaluation panel will comprise two representatives from the Center and one from Red Cross.
Q) Will funding be allocated to a single project team, or will a consortium approach be employed to integrate strengths from various proposals?
A) Applicants are expected to establish consortia prior to submission. Due to protocols, the integration of different proposals post-submission is not permissible. Applicants should assemble comprehensive teams that encompass all essential competencies—including connections with multicultural organisations, expertise in emergency response, resilience, recovery, and established relationships within the emergency sector. While formal facilitation of partnerships is not within scope, this briefing serves partially to enable potential applicants to establish connections.
Q) Are there restrictions governing the allocation of funding, such as between teaching hours and research assistance?
A) In-kind contributions are permissible. Funding may be directed toward research assistants or other relevant positions. Capital equipment is typically excluded from eligible expenses, though this is likely not pertinent to this particular project. Additional details are provided in the expression of interest documentation.