Mitigating fire through water management in the rural-urban interface | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Mitigating fire through water management in the rural-urban interface

Photo: Country Fire Authority
Project type

Postgraduate research

Project status

In progress

There is a need for more research to identify appropriate options to enhance urban resilience by mitigating fire in the rural-urban interface. This PhD research aims to investigate the potential of urban water reuse as a fire risk mitigation strategy in the rural-urban interface.

Project details

The research involves three stages:

  1. a systematic review of the literature and research translation will be conducted to strengthen understanding of the alignment of current research with relevant fire mitigation strategies, guidelines and management tools
  2. utilisation of the research translation as an exemplar case study of factors affecting the adoption of water management strategies for mitigating fire risk in the rural-urban interface
  3. collection and analysis of the experimental data to model potential impacts from proposed interventions, which increase water in the landscape.