Established and emerging uses of predictive services | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Established and emerging uses of predictive services

Research theme

Learning from disasters

Project type

Commissioned research

Project status


This project was part of the Black Summer research program funded by the Commonwealth Government through the 10-year extension of funding into natural hazard research in Australia.

An important outcome of this exploratory research was the establishment of a larger project that aims to optimise predictive map design and dissemination to ensure that these maps will support public protective action decision-making during a bushfire event - Predictions in public: understanding the design, communication and dissemination of predictive maps to the public.

Project details

The 2019-20 Black Summer bushfire season brought both sector and public attention to the important role that predictive services can play in mitigating and preventing the loss of life and assets from bushfires.

This research study focused on two key questions:

  1. What are the key features of effective relationships between Fire Behaviour Analysts (FBANs) and their users within emergency management?
  2. How might the predictive services role and predictive services outputs be developed in the future?

This project explored these questions by conducting 25 semi-structured interviews with key practitioners who either perform the FBAN role or use predictive services in Victoria.

Read the final report here.

Related projects

Predictions in public: understanding the design, communication and dissemination of predictive maps to the public