Engaging with decision makers and showing how Natural Hazards Research Australia research is being used to create safer and more resilient communities is key to the success of the Centre.
Last week Chair Iain MacKenzie and I were in Canberra with the opportunity to visit Parliament House to meet with members of parliament to promote the work of the Centre. The visit was an opportunity to highlight the progress of the Centre including:
- the allocation of some $18 million in research funding, including 52 core research projects being performed by teams of dedicated researchers in collaboration with the Centre’s Participants
- contributions the Centre is making to Commonwealth initiatives including the Second National Action Plan and Climate Risk Assessment
- examples of the utilisation of the Centre's research
There was strong interest in the work of the Centre, with Iain and I meeting with the Minister for Emergency Management, Senator the Hon Murray Watt; Deputy Federal Leader of the Nationals, Senator Perin Davey; Minister for Financial Services and Assistant Treasurer, the Hon Stephen Jones MP; Senator Tony Sheldon; Member for Macquarie Susan Templeman MP; Member for Hasluck Tania Lawrence MP and Member for Gippsland the Hon Darren Chester MP.
We were warmly welcomed and elected members we spoke with provided positive feedback on the progress of Natural Hazards Research Australia and the importance of our work.

Chair Iain MacKenzie, Minister for Emergency Management Senator the Hon Murray Watt and CEO Andrew Gissing discussing the research impact of the Centre.

CEO Andrew Gissing, Senator Tony Sheldon and Chair Iain MacKenzie.

Chair Iain MacKenzie, Member for Macquarie Susan Templeman MP and CEO Andrew Gissing discussing the Centre's research following the 2022 floods in NSW and Queensland, which heavily affected the Macquarie electorate.

Chair Iain MacKenzie, and CEO Andrew Gissing briefed Member for Hasluck Tania Lawrence MP about the Centre's research following the 2019/20 bushfires.