New project EOI for community engagement with vegetation management | Natural Hazards Research Australia

New project EOI for community engagement with vegetation management

Photo: Friedo Ligthart
Release date

30 August 2023

Expressions of Interest are now open for a project with Country Fire Authority Victoria (CFA) to support and inform a robust approach for the continuous improvement of community engagement for vegetation management in Victoria.

The co-designed Community engagement for vegetation management project will build on existing policy and practice, and draw on existing data and expertise within the Safer Together program. It has been developed by CFA R&D in collaboration with Safer Together staff, as well as agency and community stakeholders.

The broader project has been broken down into six phases. Each phase can be conducted as separate pieces of research that build upon each other, allowing for a staged approach to the research that promotes reflection and refinement of future phases as the project progresses.  

This EOI focuses only on Phases 1 and 2, though details of subsequent phases are provided for context: 

  • Phase 1. Scoping current community engagement practices for vegetation management  
  • Phase 2. Community survey – How do community members want to be engaged? 
  • Phase 3. Improvement and development of community engagement products    
  • Phase 4. Future capacities and capabilities for community engagement for vegetation management    
  • Phase 5. Monitoring, evaluation and learning framework 
  • Phase 6. Monitoring, evaluation and learning plan 

EOI proposals are due by 5pm AEST, Friday 29 September 2023 to applicants will be notified by mid-October 2023. 

An online briefing scheduled for 12pm AEST Thursday 14 September will provide a more detailed briefing of the project and the opportunity for interested parties to pose specific questions. 

Find out more about this EOI, including how to submit, how to register for the briefing and any frequently asked questions, on the Community engagement for vegetation management project page.