New postgraduate scholarships | Natural Hazards Research Australia

New postgraduate scholarships

Release date

20 April 2023

Two new scholarship students are contributing to the Centre’s research network.

Rebecca Ryan’s PhD at the University of Wollongong seeks to reconstruct a long-term record of past fire activity. Her project, Developing novel geochemical and spectroscopic techniques to extend existing bushfire records, will test two bushfire modelling techniques—boron isotopes and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy—as novel proxies to combat the limitations of existing modelling techniques that rely primarily on remote sensing data or charcoal analysis, which informs on the occurrence of fire but does not distinguish fire characteristics.

Louise Buckley from Deakin University is examining the experiences of Traditional Owners in partnerships arrangements with agencies and how collaborations are operationalised. Her project, Cross-cultural relationships in natural resource management: understanding the nature and experiences of partnership and collaboration, will provide time and space consideration of how cultural land management practice is experienced, the barriers and challenges, how better to support Traditional Owners in cultural land management, and cross-cultural relations and safety.

As scholarship recipients, Rebecca and Louise join 15 other postgraduate students at the Centre. For details on the Centre’s Postgraduate Research Scholarship program, including eligibility criteria, how to apply and key dates, visit the Education page.