Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are now open for a new scoping project that will guide the development of a national bushfire information database.
Part of Natural Hazard Research Australia’s first round of research projects, the Bushfire information database – scoping study is a nine-month project responding to the need for a consolidated understanding of the quality, purpose and availability of bushfire datasets in Australia.
This project responds to findings – from the 2020 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements and the 2020 NSW Independent Bushfire Inquiry – that Australia does not have a national centralised bushfire information database that can be used to understand trends, including in bushfire intensity and extent, and the extent and efficacy of mitigation activities. This means that policy and decision-makers currently do not have access to all the credible information required for evidence-informed practice. Researchers will identify and determine current data and systems, current knowledge gaps, data needs and availability.
Expressions of Interest are open until 11:59pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 8 March 2022. Find out more about this project, including details about submission and to view the replay of an online project briefing conducted on 28 February, here.