September Hazardous Webinar – Community perceptions and understanding of predictive maps | Natural Hazards Research Australia

September Hazardous Webinar – Community perceptions and understanding of predictive maps

The September Hazardous Webinar showcased how community members with experience of bushfires understood and used bushfire maps in the second part of our Predictions in Public findings.

11.00am - 12.00pm, 17 September


  • Dr Erica Kuligowski, Principal Research Fellow, RMIT University and Natural Hazards Research Australia
  • Dr Chloe Begg, Country Fire Authority

Predictions in public: Understanding the design, communication and dissemination of predictive maps is a wide-ranging project aiming to define the role of fire prediction maps in agency communications with the public during an emergency.

Phase 1 of project looked at the current use and understanding of bushfire maps (incident warning maps and prediction maps) by agencies and community members.

In the latest in the Hazardous Webinar series, findings from interviews with residents of three locations in Victoria, New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania that experienced recent bushfires were shared by Dr Erica Kuligowski, Principal Research Fellow (RMIT University). Dr Chloe Begg, Senior Research Scientist (Country Fire Authority), provided a unique view of the project from a research and agency perspective, including how these research insights will help ensure appropriate predictive map design by emergency management agencies, significantly improving their understanding and use by people under threat, as well as better protecting against injury and loss of life.

Further information relevant to this webinar can be found in:


Hazardous_Webinar_Sept 2024 Kuligowski_Begg.pdf 3.28 MB Download