Fellowship application and funding details
Applicants will be required to complete an application form that will include short statements on each of the following:
- details of the applicant’s research track record, and evidence of current enrolment as a student or current employment
- a short description of the proposed activities to be undertaken under the fellowship and expected outcomes
- a budget for the proposed use of the fellowship funding
- career development benefits to the applicant
- how the fellowship will contribute to the Centre’s activities
- the funding being applied for, and any co-funding to support the fellowship – where co-funding is available, a statement from the provider of that funding confirming the funding details
- two independent referees’ reports
- endorsement by the applicant’s university, research organisation or industry employer, supporting the application
- confirmation from every host organisation supporting the fellowship of their support for the proposed fellowship.
Fellowship funds can be used for:
- travel costs
- essential research consumables
- publication expenses (where this is directly related to the approved purpose of the fellowship)
- relevant professional development and training expenses.
Fellowship funds cannot be used for:
- purchasing any equipment (including computers or laboratory equipment)
- paying salary
- any other expenses not directly related to the approved purpose of the fellowship.
Assessment of fellowship applications
All eligible applications for fellowships will be considered by the Selection Panel.
The Selection Panel will, with absolute discretion, select the proposed fellowships based on the applicant’s demonstration of:
- the benefit of the fellowship to the applicant’s career development
- strong linkages between the fellowship and the Centre’s core research themes
- the feasibility of achieving the outcomes proposed for the fellowship
- how the outcomes of the fellowship could be used to support the Centre’s objectives of reducing disaster risk and strengthening disaster resilience.
The panel’s recommendations will be provided to the Board of Natural Hazards Research Australia for approval. The recommendations of the Selection Panel are final and appeals will not be considered. Feedback will not be provided on unsuccessful applications.
Natural Hazards Research Australia will, at its sole discretion, determine whether to award fellowships in any year, and how many fellowships will be awarded.
If you are offered a Natural Hazards Early Career Researcher Development or Industry Fellowship
If you are offered a fellowship, confirmation of details of the fellowship studies (including budget) must be provided within three months of receiving notification of the approval. A template will be provided for this purpose. You will also be asked to sign a Fellowship Agreement.
In addition to completion of their fellowship study, the Centre expects fellowship holders to:
- return to Australia (if they travel overseas) immediately after completing their study, unless otherwise approved by the Centre
- provide a detailed written project report within three months of completing their fellowship, which may be made available to the public
- fulfil any additional obligations made separately with their academic institution, employer or co-funding provider.
Fellowship holders will also be invited to participate in relevant activities and events organised by the Centre, including public events and conferences, to promote the fellowships and share the fellowship experience and outcomes.
Where the Centre requests fellowship holders to participate in events or activities, the travel and registration costs associated with that participation will be arranged and paid for by the Centre.